Acts 2:42 sets the foundation for every New Testament church. In Luke's record of the founding of the early church, he noted that the early church was devoted to the Word, Fellowship, Prayer, and the Lord's Supper. It is our desire at Calvary Baptist Church to mimic the emphasis of the early church.
Devoted to the Word
The early church was devoted to the apostles' teaching. The apostles' teaching is not only the New Testament. Peter and Paul frequently expounded the Old Testament.
At Calvary Baptist Church we emphasize expositional teaching. We begin in the beginning of a book of the Bible and work our way through the whole book, verse-by-verse. In addition to expositional preaching, we typically read two chapters from the Bible every Lord's Day.
At Calvary Baptist Church we emphasize expositional teaching. We begin in the beginning of a book of the Bible and work our way through the whole book, verse-by-verse. In addition to expositional preaching, we typically read two chapters from the Bible every Lord's Day.
The early church was devoted to fellowship. Fellowship has received a healthy emphasis over the last decade. We believe that biblical fellowship provokes people to love and good works. Hebrews 10:25-26 specify the local gathering as the primary opportunity for biblical fellowship. Every individual ought to be exercising his or her gifts at the local gathering. Each person is necessary for a healthy, thriving body of believers.
The word prayer is actually a plural word -- prayers. The local church ought to be devoted to praying. The text does not specify types of prayer, but rather frequent occurrences of prayer during the gathering together of the believers.
The Lord's Supper
The Lord's Supper is often tacked on to a monthly or quarterly service. At Calvary Baptist Church, the Lord's Supper is emphasized on a weekly basis. We believe that it is hard to be devoted to something that is done only quarterly or monthly.